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What to Expect

Beulah Baptist Church was established in 1882.  Our pastor is Rev. Tony Holcomb of Boaz, Alabama.

Beulah is an organized church body of baptized believers who try to live according to the command of the Scripture so that the mission and message of the church may be protected and preserved. Each member has responsibilities, rights, and privileges and seeks to extend the gospel throughout the local community and the world.

Our mission and purpose are to proclaim the Gospel and grow the family of God.  We love each other as a local family of believers.  We love our community and invite others to know Christ and belong to the family of God.  We love our Lord and seek to live a life, holy and pleasing to Him. 

Our church has regular Sunday worship services and Wednesday night activities. We also plan other times of study and fellowship. All of these activities are planned to honor and glorify our Lord Jesus Christ. 

If you would like more information about our church, we have a Constitution and By-laws that we are willing to share with you.  Please send us an email or come by the church office and we will share a copy with you. 


What time are Sunday services?

Our Contemporary Service is at 8:55 am, in the Family Life Center.  We have Bible Groups at 10:00 am.  Children's Sunday School is in the Children's wing of our fellowship hall.  Adult classes are held in the education wing of the main building.  Our Traditional service is at 11:00 am in the sanctuary.  Our Youth meet at 6:00 pm in the Family Life Center.


What will my children do on Sundays, while I am in service?

Children are vital at Beulah!  They are the church as much as their parents, and grandparents. 

During the 8:55 am Contemporary Service, children (ages 3-6) are encouraged to stay for worship and dismissed to the children's church.  We encourage ages 7 and up to stay in the Family Life Center for the entirety of the Contemporary service. We incorporate a children's moment, right before preaching.  After the children's moment, they are escorted by teachers to our children's church area.  We also have a Sunday school class for them to attend, if you would like to stay for bible groups during the 10 o'clock hour.

We have a fully staffed Nursery for children ages 0-2 for the entire 8:55 am Contemporary Service and during the bible group hour.  As for the Traditional service, nursery, and childcare are provided as needed.



What version of the Bible do you use?

At Beulah, we reference the English Standard Version in sermons.  After much research, we find it to be the most accurate word-for-word translation of the original Hebrew/Aramaic/Greek text, also written in modern English for easy readability. 


Where do I park?

Our family life center is diagonally behind the main sanctuary.  If you are coming from Albertville, you will see the Family Life Center first.  If you are coming from Boaz, you will pass the sanctuary, and see the sign for the family life center.

The family life center has gravel parking halfway around the building.  If you are visiting the contemporary service, feel free to park in the gravel area at the Family Life Center.

If you visit the traditional service, there are two parking lots on each side of the sanctuary.


What about Wednesday night services?

Our Fellowship Meal is from 5:00-6:00 pm.  From 6:00-7:00 pm, adult bible study in the sanctuary; Trail Life, AHG, and Cubbies will meet in the Family Life Center.  To find out more about Trail Life, AHG, Cubbies, or our youth ministry, please visit their pages by clicking on "Our Ministries" at the top of this web page.


What do I wear?

In both services, our dress code is casual and relaxed.


How long are your services?

Our services are approximately an hour long.