About Us >


Beulah’s purpose is to reach our community with the love of Christ. Our church focuses on discipleship to grow faith and family.  We love God and seek to live holy lives that are pleasing to Him. The five major functions of our church are:


  • Strengthening and equipping our families are vital to spiritual growth. We seek to disciple fathers, mothers, and children to be all God wants them to be. 


  • We come together to worship God. Worship is not just singing praise songs on Sunday mornings. It is so much more. Scripture tells us we are to offer ourselves as living sacrifices, holy and acceptable to God. For this our spiritual act of worship. We seek to help others live a life that pleases and honors God, a life that fulfills one's chief purpose which is to glorify God and enjoy Him forever.

Making Disciples

  • The Lord commanded his first disciples to go into all the nations and make more disciples, baptizing them in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit…and do ALL that Christ had commanded them and us. Our focus in discipleship is to teach our congregation the depths of scripture with practical application.


  • When we are given salvation, we believe the Holy Spirit is given to us as a seal of our salvation. God then begins to work in our lives to give us the fruits of the Spirit: love, joy, peace, patience, tolerance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. We also believe the Holy Spirit gives us a desire to know God and make Him known. We invite everyone to worship with us and grow in their relationship with Christ.

Loving each other and our community

  • In 1 Corinthians, Paul describes the characteristics of love and states that love is the greatest attribute of a Christ follower. Love abides with true faith and hope. Christ commanded us to love God and love others. Love is not an emotion, but an action. We seek to love others, so they may grow in Christ.

Yielding ourselves to the Holy Spirit’s work in us

  • A mark in spiritual growth and maturity is recognizing our dependency on God for all things. Daily prayer keeps us in communication with God and allows God to align our desires with His, even when it is uncomfortable for us. We strive to live out the saying, “If God speaks, we will listen.” We pray every member of our congregation becomes hearers and doers of God’s Word.